I had brain child yesterday while listening to "The New Tech Tv" Podcast Ep. 5
Why not get a Lapdeck for cheap, and plug a raspberry pi into it? I was working up how I could use that Matt had done and change it for the Pi. Then after thinking about it for about 2 and a half hours, which I was then off of work, decided to look up to see if the mod had been done for it yet. Sure enough, my brain child had been done already. BUT, where I see to improve on it, is get the pi to the point where it can log into a VM and run windows using the Pi-lapdeck as a terminal, with a minimalistic Linux installed.
So, since I have 2 pies, I bought 2 of the lapdecks at $50, and as soon as they get here, my the hacks begin!
More to come, and there is still a huge project I am working on, have been working on since before DEFCON 20. I have to finish getting it up and running and documentation for, then I will post it.