Friday, November 16, 2012

Ncat, newbCON meeting 3, and Lapdecks

I learned a lot about Ncat, and I presented my finding at Ncat. Had a Couple of Demo fails, and a couple of wins. I'll have to make a Video of how to use it, and I will post it.

I found the cables I need for my lapdecks, and ordered them, but they won't be here till the end of the month.

I bought Call of Duty Black Ops II, and have been playing it with my brother, I like it so far, but yet again, it would be nice to have the lapdecks working, then i could plug the hdmi into one of them and play off of that.

I have The Pirate Box set up on one of my raspberry pi's. It works pretty well, but it needs a little work. When it is turned off and on again, wall charger or battery, after about the 5 time power cycling it, it won't let  anyone connect to it.

We won't be meeting this next Flex friday, because it is black friday.  So I plan on compleating the Security Tube Wifi Mega-primer, looking into Armitage, Cobalt, Metasploit, and Update my Wifi Pineapple with new  packages.

Starting to flash CM10, Will post what happens....